Belated Birthday Poem.

Yesterday, October 8th, was a very special day.
Unfortunately, my inner poet did not come out to play.
And so, I'm back in action, and I hope that no feelings were hurt.
Because yesterday was the birthday of my one and only, Kurt.

Which birthday, you ask? Well, that's not for me to say.
I can say that he's decades away from requiring a toupée.
But, though his spring chicken years are over, and he's feeling quite mature,
He looks no older than 28...of this, I am quite sure.

Great qualities are abundant in this fine young man.
Over an SUV he always prefers an enviro-friendly sedan.
He knows a lot about computers, about cars and about life.
He's patient and gives good advice - he'll have a very lucky wife.

(Hopefully, he will also keep me on the side.)

Even though he was allergic, he grew to love my cat.
He's very, very funny and looks great in a hat.
When I'm feeling lazy, he'll come pick me up from work.
Even though sometimes I can be quite a jerk.

(But not often, obviously.)

In short, to sum up, he's a very special guy.
To his hometown he will soon be saying goodbye.
But for now, even though yesterday was his special day,
I'd like to say to him (again), HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Love, Kris.


Anonymous said...

genius :o)


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